Bingo is one of the oldest games in the UK, yet it is just as popular today as when it was first licensed in public venues in the 60’s. However, the UK bingo market has been designed to appeal to one particular type of audience, a female one.
In today’s society, gender stereotypes have become much more challenged and are generally not tolerated by the majority of society, especially the younger generations. Gone are the days when pink was reserved for girls and blue was reserved for boys, as the boundaries of gender specificities have been broken.
So, why is it that even in this day and age, bingo is still associated with a majority female audience? To uncover this, we’ll dive into the history of bingo and its journey to modernisation.
Bingo’s original fans

What has changed in the UK markets when it comes to entertainment? Bingo first broke into the UK marketin the 60’s, when licensed bingo halls became available to UK residents. While bingo was technically available to both men and women, at this time in society it was more common for men to be the sole earners, while women stayed at home. As such, women had more leisure time to participate in activities such as bingo during the day.
Bingo halls became a way for women across the country to get out of the house and socialise with other women, thus bingo becoming a female dominated market.
The role of advertising
As women began to dominatethe bingo market, it made sense that bingo advertising would target it’s most popular audience – women. As such, bingo ads became immersed in appealing to a majority female audience, while many sports betting advertising campaigns were purely advertised around males.
This advertising culture created a barrier in society where it became the norm for men and women to stick to their own hobbies. As such, for a man to venture into a bingo hall or for a woman to venture into the local betting shop was completely taboo. This pressure on society ensured that bingo continued to be an exclusively female activity.
The shift to online bingo
Why has technology changed gaming for the better?During the rise of the internet, bingo began to shift towards the online world. As of today, bingo has now become more popular online than in person, with many physical bingo venues having closed down. Those that have remained open have capitalised on making bingo a full night out, albeit, for women. These venues have begun to incorporate live karaoke, cocktail deals and prizes which all appeal to females more than males.
However, the introduction of online bingo has given the market a new lease of life as bingo games have now become more accessible to men. While the game themes themselves and the advertisements and marketing strategies may still be geared towards a female audience, there is less pressure on men to stay away from bingo as they can enjoy a game without prying eyes.
Today, men and women can play online bingo from anywhere and at anytime, without having to worry about judgement from anyone else. In fact, online players can remain completely anonymous if they so wish to.
Why do women love bingo so much?
Why do women love playing bingo you ask?While it would be inaccurate to say that no men love bingo, the fact is that more women enjoy a game of bingo than men. The market has encouraged this trend by nurturing the characteristics most common in women.
For example, many bingo sites have a built-in social aspect where players can get together in chat rooms and build up their own online community of friends. While we’re not saying that men don’t enjoy socialising, it is more common for women to want to chat over a game of bingo and socialise in this way.
In addition to this, bingo nurtures the more gentle and feminine side of women, whereas other gambling genres and games are more suited to male characteristics. What can bingobe characterised:
Low risk – With only a small cost to play the game, there is no risk of losing lots of money.
Fun – The game is simple and exciting, with the possibility of being able to win money.
Sociable – It’s a great way for people to get together and share their interests.
Quick – Games don’t tend to last for long.
Overall, bingo is a game that has been traditionally loved by women and still is today. Yet, as the game has become more advanced and society has progressed, more men are beginning to play bingo online, expanding the bingo market into one that continues to thrive.
What are the best gadgets for gaming and your other bingo entertainment needs? Be sure to always check our website for the latest recommendations and suggestions.